Group: Daniel, David, Kellie, Lloyd, Michael

A Little Infomation On MudBricks

Mudbrick or Adobe is a natural building made from sand, clay, manure and water, with some kind of fibrous or organic material such as sticks or straw. (In our Mudbricks we included dry grass clippings.) This mixture is then shaped into bricks using frames andthen dried in the sun.

Buildings made from Mudbricks are extremely durable and account for some of the oldest buildings on earth.

In hot climates buildings built with mudbricks tend to keep cooler than other buildings made from wood. They are fantastic insulators from the outside temperature.

Sketch of wall

Sketch of wall
Design Sketch

Sunday, February 28, 2010

How is mud bricks environmentally friendly??

"• The earth for making the bricks can often be taken from the property itself, which eliminates the energy use and greenhouse emissions from transporting the bricks.

• Mud brick can have very low embodied energy: no energy is needed to make the bricks, except human labour and the sun's heat. (It takes a lot more energy to fire conventional bricks.)

• At the end of the building's life, mud bricks can simply be broken up and turned back into earth.

• Mud brick provides good thermal mass, which can be used for effective passive solar design to store heat during the day for slow release at night - good for climates with warm days and cooler nights.

Mud brick walls can be finished to provide different effects. For a smooth finish, you can fill in the mortar level with the bricks, or render the wall by smoothing an additional layer of mud over the surface. Alternatively you can scrape out the mortar so the bricks stand out to emphasis the natural, organic look of mud bricks."


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